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MicroStrategy 10 Certification Training

MicroStrategy 10 is an optimized easy-to-use analytics platform that consolidates analytics, mobility, and security in a single integrated platform and delivers dashboards and compelling visualizations to enable data driven decision making to organizations and end-users.

Why should you take MicroStrategy 10 Certification Training?

  • MicroStrategy has 4% global market share in Business Analytics
  • MicroStrategy professionals are sought after by business giants for enterprise reporting and analysis worldwide
  • The average salary for a MicroStrategy certified professional ranges from $80,000 – $145, 000 annually

Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn how to install MicroStrategy in your machine


  • MSTR Installation Flow
  • Prerequisites for Installation
  • Installation Process

Hands On/Demo:

  • Installing MicroStrategy

Learning Objectives: In this module you will get the overview of MicroStrategy, its Architecture, products, MicroStrategy Admin, MicroStrategy Usher


  • Introduction to Business Intelligence
  • Introduction to MicroStrategy
  • MicroStrategy Architecture
  • MicroStrategy Products
  • Platform Architecture for Enterprise Analytics
  • Development and Reporting Tools
  • MicroStrategy Admin
  • MicroStrategy Distribution Centre
  • Enterprise Security: MicroStrategy Usher

Hands On/Demo:

  • Import data, Create Derived Attribute, Formatting Capabilities, Create Dossiers, Create D3 Word Cloud, Apply Filter

Learning Objectives: In this module you will learn about MicroStrategy Developer, Project creation high level steps and various other features of report creation


  • MSTR Developer Overview
  • MSTR Architecture
  • MSTR Project Creation
  • MSTR Source and Project
  • Developer Interface
  • MSTR Architect
  • MSTR Filters
  • MSTR Metrics
  • MSTR Prompts
  • MSTR Searches
  • MSTR Reports
  • Report Data Manipulation
  • Report Style Manipulation
  • MSTR OLAP Services

Hands On/Demo:

  • Add project tables
  • Create Facts
  • Create Attributes
  • Create User Hierarchy
  • Filter creation
  • Metric Creation
  • Prompt Creation
  • Report Creation
  • Drilling
  • Page-by
  • Pivoting
  • Sub-totals
  • Sorting
  • Outline Mode
  • Threshold
  • Banding
  • Derived Metric Creation

Learning Objectives: In this module you will learn about different Admin tools, user and user group creation


  • Need of Admin Tools
  • Application Life Cycle
  • Project Duplication
  • Object Manager
  • Project Locking
  • Integrity Manager
  • Enterprise Manager
  • Command Manager
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Command Manager Procedures
  • System Manager
  • Workflow Creation Process
  • MicroStrategy Web Administration
  • MicroStrategy User Groups
  • MicroStrategy Groups Creation
  • MicroStrategy User Accounts
  • Introduction to Intelligence Server
  • ODBC Drivers
  • In-memory Analytics
  • Job Prioritization
  • Clustering

Hands On/Demo:

  • Exploring MSTR Admin
  • Copy objects in a Project
  • Launch Command Manager
  • Execute command manager procedure
  • Access CM in connection-less mode
  • Access MSTR Web
  • Create a group using Group Editor
  • Demos on MSTR Intelligence Server

Learning Objectives: In this module you will learn about different Admin tools, user and user group creation


  • Need of Admin Tools
  • Application Life Cycle
  • Project Duplication
  • Object Manager
  • Project Locking
  • Integrity Manager
  • Enterprise Manager
  • Command Manager
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Command Manager Procedures
  • System Manager
  • Workflow Creation Process
  • MicroStrategy Web Administration
  • MicroStrategy User Groups
  • MicroStrategy Groups Creation
  • MicroStrategy User Accounts
  • Introduction to Intelligence Server
  • ODBC Drivers
  • In-memory Analytics
  • Job Prioritization
  • Clustering

Hands On/Demo:

  • Exploring MSTR Admin
  • Copy objects in a Project
  • Launch Command Manager
  • Execute command manager procedure
  • Access CM in connection-less mode
  • Access MSTR Web
  • Create a group using Group Editor
  • Demos on MSTR Intelligence Server

Learning Objectives: In this module you will learn about MSTR SDK, SDK Architecture, MSTR Visualization


  • Introduction to SDK
  • System Requirements and Compatibility
  • SDK Architecture
  • Authentication Workflow
  • MSTR Visualization

Hands On/Demo:

  • Conditional shortcut to all pages, Restrict Access, Custom D3 visualization using template

Learning Objectives: In this module you will learn about MicroStrategy mobile and its capabilities


  • Versatile BI: MSTR Mobile
  • Mobile Architecture
  • Configuring Mobile App
  • MicroStrategy Mobile Capabilities
  • Visualization Enhancements for iOS Visualization Enhancements for Android
  • iOS 10 Support
  • iOS Developer Guidelines
  • Android Developer Guidelines
  • Interactivity Enhancements in Android
  • Extend Mobile Capabilities

Hands On/Demo:

  • Access MSTR projects on iPad, Access MSTR projects on Android

Learning Objectives: In this module you will learn about MicroStrategy Transaction Service and its Architecture


  • Introduction to Transaction Services
  • Transaction Services Architecture
  • Use Case Scenarios
  • Transaction Services Reports
  • Transaction Services Document
  • Transaction Services on Mobile Devices
  • Working with Transaction Tables
  • Mobile Transaction Controls

Hands On/Demo:

  • Create Transaction Report, Creating transaction services dashboard

Learning Objectives: In this module you will learn about MicroStrategy Usher Security


  • Business Driven Approach to Enterprise Security
  • Need for MSTR Usher
  • Introducing the Usher Platform
  • MicroStrategy Usher Components
  • Usher Security App and Badges
  • Designing the Security Network Architecture

Hands On/Demo:

  • Download and install the Usher app

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